
E-Z Foam Aluminum Resistant Insulating Foam

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For more information, please refer to the E-Z Foam Installation Guide.

E-Z Foam back up insulating foam was developed with the end user in mind.  It has a shorter mixing time and a longer working time than traditional foam backup materials.  And with much less water, dry out times are faster allowing equipment to be used sooner. E-Z Foam holds the primary refractory in place, reducing crack propagation. E-Z Foam is non-wetting to molten aluminum, stopping penetration and preventing it from reaching the steel or getting underneath the refractory.

E-Z Foam was developed for use as a backup insulation system for RMG refractory in Wagstaff casting tables, launders, filter bowls, degassers, etc.  E-Z Foam is sold as a "kit” but is a two part system: one dry component and one liquid component.  One kit contains a 5 gallon pail of powder and two jugs of liquid activator.  Both components are provided pre-weighed and pre-measured to allow for easy mixing. NO WEIGHING OF THE COMPONENTS IS REQUIRED.  Each kit will fill approximately one cubic foot (.03 cubic meter) of space.  Below is an illustration of where E-Z Foam is installed.

E-Z Foam is a silica-based, refractory insulating foam.  The foaming of E-Z Foam begins when the liquid activator is added to the powder.  As these two components are mixed together, a mild exothermic reaction takes place creating a foam.  Within a short time, the foam begins to expand -- filling voids within a mold and other spaces before transforming into a solid material.  This reaction results in the E-Z Foam expanding 2.2 times its volume.

E-Z Foam has been rated excellent by Orton Ceramic Foundation using the Alcoa Cup Test procedure.  Non-wetting eliminates the possibility of molten aluminum penetration beyond.

Product features include:

  1. Long working time: approximately 10 minutes
  2. Low water content for short curing time.
  3. Pourable for quick and E-Z installation
  4. Easy to mix: premeasured liquid and powder components
  5. Self-bonding so no seams when double poured
  6. E-Z to replace refractory pieces
  7. Low density with excellent insulation properties
  8. Non-wetting to molten aluminum


Rex Materials, Inc.
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